Whisky and Spudly # 6

Whisky and Spudly, Autumn 2012

Whisky and Spudly had a race to get to the raspberry bush.

Whisky won the race. Yay our first raspberry.

Whisky and Spudly April 2012 003

Spudly is worried that the blackberry bush is going to

hurt the raspberry bush.

Whisky says, “don’t worry Spudly, the raspberry and

blackberry bushes are just friends.”

Whisky and Spudly April 2012 004

Whisky and Spudly are playing hide and seek in the feijoa

bush. Whisky like the look of this feijoa. Spudly is staying

close to the ground in case he falls.

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Whisky and Spudly April 2012 006

The two friends are hungry and decide to eat some grapes

from the grape vine. Don’t eat the green ones Spudly or

you will get sick.

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Whisky and Spudly April 2012 007

Whisky and Spudly were looking for the vegetable garden

but it has been taken over by strawberries.

“Let’s look for some strawberries Whisky,” Spudly says

getting excited.

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Whisky and Spudly have found a new garden friend.

“Baa,” says Sam the sheep.

“That’s a funny noise,” Spudly says.

“Don’t worry Spudly he’s just saying hello,” Whisky says.

Whisky and Spudly April 2012 012

Story and pictures by Michael and Roger Vincent.


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